Greetings , I’m in need of a virtual personal assistant who will be in charge of research services, email responding, shopping, posting of properties and fixing schedules at the end of every month. This is fully a remote job from home, Working hours are flexible as long as the job is done within 24 hours, 2 hours a day. I’m willing to pay $2,500 monthly also weekly allowances applies, Monday-Friday. Kindly email me your resume- Sherriyackel02@gmaiI•com for more details
5 months ago
Is this post still available ..I am looking interested
6 months ago
David I've been trying to reach support. Sherri Yackel is a scammer. Wants to hold a fundraiser for homeless kids and deposit money into her personal account. Has yet to pay for my services at $1,450 unless I hand over my login info for her to set up a direct deposit for me. She can't seem to be able to use a routing & account number. She has to have direct account access. I'm reaching out to all platforms, companies she pays for phone numbers, and already filed a police report. Care with this one folks.
5 months ago
Thanks David for this info was about to apply ..that was close
7 months ago
Hi Sherri, feel free to add a job post here:
6 months ago
I've been trying to get in contact with you and support and but having a lot of issues getting started on your app here. I believe I have this resolved. Please contact me via email at or my personal cell at 509-564-4246. Sherri is a scammer and is assuming someone's identity that actually lives 20 minutes down the street from me. The lady above here that is posting this job ad claims to have stage 4 colon cancer. Is trying to organize a fundraiser in less than 2 weeks for homeless kids and because she doesn't have a company or a business identity is wanting these funds to be deposited directly into her personal account. Furthermore on another platform two of her identification numbers are fraudulent. This woman owes me $1,450 for services rendered. Well only pay me if I give her full access to my bank account including login information and password. I've reached out to multiple platforms to forewarn them of what this person is doing, I've reached out to two
6 months ago
I've reached out to two internet phone companies to report the spam abuse that she is utilizing for their service. I even have a police report filed against this individual. And almost had her CNA license revoked. Please reach out to me directly if you have any questions I've just been recently able to notify support this lady above needs to be watched carefully. My business email is or contact me direct on my personal cell of 509-564-4246. Thanks
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